A Complete Guide to Structural Health Monitoring

What is Structural Health Monitoring?

Structural health monitoring (SHM) is the process of observing and analyzing a system over time, utilizing periodic sampling response measurements to track changes in the material and geometric attributes of engineering structures such as bridges and buildings.

Primary Concerns for Monitoring a Structure's Health

Structural health monitoring is vital for both economic profit and public safety. Sudden structural collapses can endanger lives and property. The primary goal of structural health monitoring is to provide quantifiable performance data to the appropriate authorities.

Structural health monitoring can be useful throughout the following stages of construction:

  • Investigating the site: Before commencing on any construction project, the location should be properly inspected. It is vital to establish whether the terrain is strong enough to sustain the structure. Aside from that, it is vital to protect the safety of other assets around the building site. Various SHM sensors are used to characterize and evaluate the original site conditions. Pore pressure, soil permeability, slope stability, and other variables are commonly investigated during site inspections.
  • Verifying the design: The step-by-step process of the structural design of a building is important because it is critical to  validate the structural design. Improper design may lead to failure. Geotechnical equipment and SHM sensors are utilized to validate design assumptions. Instrumentation data collected during the early stages of a project may indicate the need for or give a chance to revise the design later on.
  • Controlling the construction ops: Structural monitoring is required to assist the engineer in determining how quickly construction can be completed without negatively impacting the foundation soil and building materials employed. The devices were installed to monitor the consequences of construction.
  • Prioritizing Safety: Instruments can offer early warning of a failure. Quick retrieval, processing, and display of instrument data is required for safety monitoring in order to make timely assessments and choices. An effective action plan for executing remedial actions can then be developed.

Components of a Structural Health Monitoring System

Structure to Analyze

Critical structures such as bridges, tunnels, dams, and wind turbines are closely monitored since they are essential components of the national infrastructure.

Deployed Data Acquisition System

Data collection refers to the number and kind of sensors, sensor activation, and data storage systems. The behavior of the structure should be unaffected by sensor location. This may be achieved by arranging the placement of wires, boxes, and other components during the design stage.

Sensors must be appropriate and durable enough to fulfill their function for a set amount of time. Each sensor may examine a specific component of the structure. They assess strain, deflection, rotation, temperature, corrosion, prestressing, and other characteristics.

Data Transferring System

Data can be delivered by a wire, which is common and affordable but may not be practical for large structures. Wireless transmission, while suitable for large structures, is slower and more expensive than traditional connections. Telephone lines are another way to transfer data from the site to the offshore offices. These data transfer systems reduce the need for field visits to collect and deliver data.

Digital Processing

After the data has been transferred, digital processing is done to eliminate any unwanted effects, such as noises. It should be finished before the data is saved. Digital processing will make data interpretation simpler, faster, and more precise.

Data Storage Infrastructure

The processed data can be retained for a long time and retrieved later for further analysis and interpretation.

Data Diagnostics

Converting abstract data into practical information regarding a structure's state and load response. As a result, the final data supplied by structural health monitoring should be complete and tangible, allowing engineers to make sound and informed judgments.

The diagnostic technique is defined by the structure type, sensor position and type, monitoring purpose, and structural reaction being studied.

Generalized Approach for Optimal Structural Health Monitoring

Assessment and Planning

  • Conduct a thorough examination to identify the structure's particular demands and weaknesses.
  • Create a customized monitoring plan depending on structure type, age, usage, and environmental conditions.

Instrumentation and Sensors

  • Use suitable sensors (e.g., inclinometers, piezometers, strain gauges) for the structure type and monitoring objectives.
  • Ensure redundancy and overlap in crucial regions to improve data dependability and accuracy.

Data Collection and Transmission

  • Use sophisticated data recorders and RF wireless nodes for real-time data collecting and transmission.
  • Connect sensors to a cloud-based web data monitoring service (WDMS) for easy data access and administration.

Data Analysis and Visualization

  • Use specialist software for data processing, visualization, and comparison to design specifications.
  • Create graphical and numerical reports to assess structural performance and detect faults.

Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts

  • Implement automated monitoring systems capable of real-time data processing and alarm generating.
  • Configure SMS and email notifications to alert stakeholders about crucial events and thresholds.

Maintenance and Calibration

  • Regularly maintain and calibrate sensors and data recorders to guarantee accuracy and dependability.
  • Regularly update monitoring systems and procedures to reflect new insights and technological improvements.

Technologies used for Structural Health Monitoring

Multimodal Sensors

Sensor technology is a key area of structural testing and monitoring research. SHM systems use various sensors, including strain gages, vibration sensors, and displacement sensors, to track structure stresses and movement. Emerging technologies like non-destructive testing and fiber-optic technology are also being used. Structural engineers benefit from systems that can adapt to multiple measurement types and technologies, be modular, and be scalable for lab design, short-term measurements, and field deployment.

Distributed Measurement Systems (DMS)

Continuous monitoring of real-time structural performance data is developing as an essential technique for the long-term maintenance of bridges, buildings, stadiums, and other major structures. These applications need robust, intelligent data collecting systems that can run reliably in distant, unattended areas without losing measurement performance or adaptability in order to give dependable, correct sensor data.

Embedded Intelligence and Data Storage

Continuous, long-term monitoring applications necessitate a system that can function autonomously for extended periods of time. This necessitates a real-time embedded system that can collect sensor data, log it locally, and periodically transfer it to a host system. The system's ability to function independently and unattended safeguards vital sensor data from network disruptions or PC system failures.

Remote Collaboration: Communications and Connectivity

Monitoring bridges requires remote communication capabilities such as Wi-Fi, cellular data, specialized long-range radios, and satellite communications. CompactRIO (see https://www.ni.com/en/shop/compactrio.html) facilitates integration with third-party devices and modems by including libraries for TCP/IP, UDP, Modbus/TCP, and serial protocols, as well as built-in servers for web surfing and internet access.

Synchronized Distributed Measurements

Monitoring the health of buildings may need a large number of sensors distributed across a large area. A distributed measurement system that uses several networked data collecting devices, each coupled to a cluster of sensors, can drastically reduce the amount of sensor cable and make installation easier. However, because most health monitoring systems require a reliable, system-wide time reference, distributed systems must be able to accurately and consistently synchronize sensor results throughout the whole structure. Most communication networks lack such synchronization capabilities; however, more contemporary systems can use GPS or new deterministic networking technologies to achieve system-wide synchronization.

Software and Digital Technologies

Software is a critical component of SHM systems. When performing a portable structural test or developing a long-term monitoring system, consider your software application needs for inline and offline data analysis, ease of use, and data postprocessing and administration.

Intuitive Graphical Programming

Graphical programming, a new approach for application development, significantly reduces the learning curve by employing more intuitive design notations than text-based coding. The tools and functions are available through interactive palettes, dialogs, menus, and hundreds of Vis-style function blocks. Drag and drop these Vis onto a diagram to specify your application's functionality. This point-and-click approach shortens the time necessary to get from basic setup to final outcome.

Data Analysis and Management

Three essential SHM application processes are data preparation, numerical approaches and algorithms for data analysis, and open- and closed-loop simulations to test models against real-world data.

For almost 30 years, engineers and scientists have created technical data using NI hardware and software, with little care for what happens to the data thereafter. The reality is that data may be expensive, particularly for structural and seismic applications. In structural and seismic monitoring, the transitory event that must be captured is difficult, if not impossible, to recreate. To solve this issue, NI provides a three-stage data management solution that combines flexible and organized file storage, powerful search capabilities, and an interactive postprocessing environment.

LiDAR-based Structural Monitoring

LiDAR's applications in SHM are numerous. Bridge monitoring can detect structural deformations, displacement, and vibration of load-bearing components. For building inspections, it detects settlement, tilt, and facade damage. Dam monitoring uses LiDAR to identify changes or fissures that may indicate a failure. Tunnel structural health is measured using LiDAR, which detects fractures and deformations. Accurate 3D modeling and the detection of structural changes over time also assist to conserve historic sites.

The advantages of LiDAR include its high precision and accuracy, non-destructive nature, efficiency in scanning large buildings quickly, and the availability of complete data via exact 3D models. However, issues include the computational intensity of data processing, meteorological conditions such as fog and rain that degrade performance, and the high initial cost of equipment and software.

In the future, LiDAR technology is anticipated to be merged with other technologies, including UAVs, AI, and machine learning, to improve data analysis and damage prediction. Real-time data processing advancements will enable continuous monitoring and rapid response to identified changes. Furthermore, as automated inspection technologies advance, routine infrastructure monitoring will become more efficient. Thus, LiDAR is revolutionizing structural health monitoring by delivering precise and accurate data required for the repair and preservation of critical infrastructure.

OPSIS for Structural Health Monitoring

OPSIS software was created to tackle the obstacles previously mentioned. The concept at its heart is to execute operations on the raw data given by LiDAR to produce a substantially smaller data collection.

To guarantee that the findings received from analyzing this sub-dataset are identical to those acquired from assessing the original, the processes involved must retain the spatial information included within the input data.

OPSIS monitors deformations or displacements in scanned objects, processes subsequent point clouds, and displays a linear diagram of each grid cell's deformation history.

OPSIS features include unlimited point cloud comparison, full surface deformation maps, time-displacement plots, time-lapse animation, customizable projection templates, multiple templates, scalable graphs, custom color scales, warning levels, export options, OEM noise filtering, and fast import and read process.

OPSIS may be used to monitor a variety of structures, including roads, airport runways, nuclear power plants, tall chimneys, buildings, hydropower stations, open pits, oil tanks, high-rise buildings, tunnels, mines, and bridges.

Structural Health Monitoring Testing Categories

The test categories for the structural health monitoring system are as follows:

Based on monitoring timescale:

1. Continuous testing.
2. Periodic testing.

Based on how the response begins in the structure:

1. Static load.
2. Dynamic loads.
3. Ambient vibrations.

Pros and Cons of SHM (Structural Health Monitoring)

Structural Health Monitoring is no doubt beneficial to your building lifecycle assessment. With benefits like improved understanding and great cost savings on a building's structure, one should definitely opt for SHM if project stakes are quite high. However, it does come with challenges as well.

Advantages of SHM

  • Improved understanding of field structure behavior.
  • Detect damage at the onset of an issue.
  • Shorter inspection and maintenance times.
  • Encourage the use of innovative materials based on data-intelligence.
  • Encourage prudent management and maintenance approaches.
  • Cost savings.
  • Extended lifespan.

Negative aspects of SHM

  • High installation costs.
  • Vulnerable to ambient noise corruption.
  • Susceptible to earthquake activity.
  • The challenges of employing SHM include increasing accessibility, processing vast volumes of sensor data, and managing environmental factors.
  • Because of their size and complexity, large structures require several sensing points.

Optimal Approach to SHM for Various Infrastructure Types

Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges

Monitoring Solution: Online Cloud-Based Web Data Monitoring Service

  • Components: Data management software, database server, and web server hosted on a high-reliability server computer.
  • Functionality: Retrieves data from sensors through automatic data loggers, displays sensor information, alert levels, and alarm limits. Sends SMS alerts or emails to authorized users.

Structural Health Monitoring of Tunnels

Technologies Used:

  • Sensors: EAN-52M inclinometer, EPP-30V piezometer, EDS-70V extensometer, EAN-92M-B tiltmeter, EDJ-40V crack meter, ELC-30S/ELC-30SH load cell, EDS-20V-E strain gauges, EBS-16 settlement points.
  • Data Collection and Transmission: RF wireless nodes, ESDL-30 data logger.
  • Monitoring Solutions: TunnelCAD PC and TunnelCE field software for design vs. measured cross sections, volume computations, and 3D visualizations.

Surveying Methods:

  • Laser Scanning: For 3D structural deformations, achieving up to 2-3 mm accuracy.
  • UAV/Drones: For aerial mapping, providing HD/IR/Thermal images and videos.

Deformation Monitoring:

  • 3D Deformation System: Uses automated total stations with control boxes for real-time data, eliminating human error.

Structural Health Monitoring of Dams

Monitoring Solutions for Concrete Dams:

  • Instruments: Pore pressure meters, stress meters, joint meters, tilt meters, strain meter rosettes, no-stress strain meters, automatic water level recorders, temperature meters, uplift pressure meters, normal and inverted plumblines, digital inclinometers, borehole extensometers, seepage measurement devices, optical targets, robotic total stations, UAVs.

Monitoring Solutions for Earth and Rockfill Dams:

  • Instruments: Pore pressure meters, soil pressure meters, digital inclinometers, settlement cells, magnetic extensometers, inclinometer-cum magnetic extensometers, soil extensometers, seepage measurement devices, strain gages.

Structural Health Monitoring of Buildings

Monitoring Applications:

  • Safety: Multiple-storey buildings, old and depleted structures, historical monuments, buildings in hills and landslide-prone areas.

Monitoring Solutions:

  • Sensors: Biaxial tiltmeter, ESDL-30 SDI-12 data logger, EDJ-40V crack meter, EPP-30V piezometer, EAN-52MV inclinometer system.
  • Subsurface Monitoring: Ground/soil movement monitoring using in-place inclinometers.

Structural Health Monitoring of Nuclear Power Plants

Monitoring Solutions:

  • Sensors: ELC-30S load cell, EDS-11V strain gage, ETT-10V temperature sensor, EGS-30V settlement system, EDS-70V extensometer system, EDS-50 plumb line, ERT-20P2 mini prism target.
  • Monitoring Systems: ESDL-30MT data logger with tilt meter, EDJ-40V crack meter, EAN-93M-B tiltmeter.
  • Data Management: Online WDMS for data access and alarms for authorized users.

The Future of Structural Health Monitoring

While the field of Structural Health Monitoring is already well-served by technology, as described in this article, the future of SHM promises to be even more precise and efficient. Software like OPSIS will help in processing out a large volume of data, and AI-intelligence laden with LiDAR scanning will help in creating a smaller-precise data set, ensuring that the results preserve the spatial information within the input data.

About the Author

Preetie Ghotra is the Founder and CEO of Tejjy Inc., a women-oriented minority business specializing in BIM-VDC services for the AEC sector. She champions diversity and empowerment, particularly in women-oriented businesses, and focuses on collaboration on sustainable AEC values.


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